Bhikanpur, Kanth Road,

   Moradabad-244501 (U.P)
+91 84399 48552

    +91 9411810174
Affiliation No: 2131246

School Code: 81278

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  2. Attendance & Fines
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  • A student whose attendance is less than 75% is not allowed to appear in the Annual Examinations.

  • The shortage in attendance is condoned if the Principal is satisfied that the reasons for absence are reasonable and justified.

  • The name of a student is struck-off from the school rolls if the student remains absent from the school for a continuous 10 days without information. The school accepts no responsibility for informing the parents of the absence of their children from the school.

  • A student who leaves the school during class hours without permission is fined.

  • A student who fails to clear the dues as per the Fee-Schedule is not allowed to appear in the examinations.

  • A student who is in improper and untidy uniform is sent home or fined.

  • A student who is found indulging in smoking, betel-chewing, abusing, indecent and obscene behaviour, is fined and, also, penalised with disciplinary action.

  • A student who misses exams or tests without prior permission and does not submit any medical certificate despite warnings shall be fined and, also, penalised with disciplinary action.

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