Bhikanpur, Kanth Road,

   Moradabad-244501 (U.P)
+91 84399 48552

    +91 9411810174
Affiliation No: 2131246

School Code: 81278

  1. History


1. The session is divided into two Parts

(a) Formative Evaluation: Unit Test + Assignment

(b) Summative Evaluation: Terminal/Annual Examination


These tests are administered on the basis of predetermined schedule given in the School Calendar from Class I to VIII will be 4 Unit Tests for Class to VIII per subject each carrying 20 marks. There will be Terminal Exam in Morals, General Knowledge and Computer Science. The marks of Unit Tests & Surprise Tests shall be added in the total in order to work out the overall position in the class. IX and XI as per the CBSE instructions.


These are administered to class I to VIII at the end of the Sep-October by way of giving the students a practice in taking comprehensive examination. All the subjects whether scholastic or non-scholastic will be included. IX and XI as per the CBSE instructions/guidelines.


(a) Classes I to VIII will have comprehensive examination in all subjects, covering the entire course on the Board Pattern, whether scholastic or non-scholastic subjects. IX and XI as per the CBSE instructions.

(b) The result of Co-scholastic Subjects (i.e. Physical Education. S.U.P.W., Art Education) are reported in the grades on the point scale as given below:

A+ , A, B+, B, C

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