“Rajendra’s Academy” the best known progressive English Medium co-educational school is located at Bhikanpur, Kanth Road, Moradabad. The School follows the CBSE Curriculum and norms with more emphasis on academics, co-curricular and sport activities.
It has a holistic approach focuses on the overall development of the students’ personality. The School is affiliated to C.B.S.E. offering courses in science, commerce and humanities streams at the senior secondary levels. Our philosophy is to improve educational outcomes through a more relevant and enjoyable approach to education.
The school has a team of well-qualified and experienced teachers dedicated to making a profound and positive impact. Special classes are provided to the weak students besides special counselling and self motivational classes to all the students.
Our slogan summarises it all:-
"Building A Better Tomorrow”
Our vision is to be acknowledged as a society which provides quality education with modern teaching techniques but with traditional roots attached to it. Our belief is that all children should have the opportunity to experience the joy of discovery and develop a love of learning, We do not believe in creating robots, learners must learn the meaningfulness.
Education is about awakening. Awakening to the power and beauty that lies within all of us.
To my mind education as an idea, is not just about bricks, mortar and concrete but about building character, enriching minds and about varied experiences that last a lifetime.
Date : 25-08-2024
Date : 25-08-2024
Date : 25-08-2024
Date : 28-08-2024