Bhikanpur, Kanth Road,

   Moradabad-244501 (U.P)
+91 84399 48552

    +91 9411810174
Affiliation No: 2131246

School Code: 81278

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"A laboratory is always considered as a relevant and essential part so far as the teaching of Science and Computer is concerned." This helps students to remember the studies in a better way by conducting their own experiments. It gives students first-hand experience and offers better opportunities for learning. A laboratory is not a contest whose object is to get the "right answer”, but the purpose is to learn how to gain knowledge, how to observe and to learn the meaning of what happens.

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Physics Lab

Rajendra’s Academy has a well-planned physics lab that equips the students to have hands on experience. It is adequately equipped with every kind of modern apparatus required for the Practical Examinations as prescribed by the CBSE. The flat-topped tables used as student workstations, allow multiple arrangements and combinations for laboratory work and small group activities.

There is a wide range of physics laboratory equipments from the common ones like magnets, pulleys, pendulums, inclined planes, heat lamps, beakers, lenses, glasses, tuning forks, items scales, beam balance, spring balance, glass prism to the sophisticated ones like Spectroscopes, Microscopes, Electromagnets, Potentiometer, Vernier calipers, Screw guage, Spherometer, Helical spiring, Sonometer, Resonance tube, Meter Bridge, Galvanometer, Battery eliminator, voltmeter, ammeter, resistors and spectrometers etc.

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Chemistry Lab

Chemistry laboratory provides a platform for students to nurture the budding scientist within them. The lab is provided with the state-of-art devices like-Fume hood, Distillation unit, electronic weighing machine, Bushes burners, beakers and flasks. The acids and other reactive chemicals are stored in separate locked cupboards as a further precautionary measure. The chemistry lab is fully equipped to ensure that students are in touch with all the latest developments and techniques in this realm.

Our teachers and staff are well trained in the safety procedures necessary in the laboratory. Health and safety are given paramount importance in our school. We ensure that the equipment and chemicals are checked at regular intervals and all defective materials are instantly disposed off. Everyone is taught to use the safety, emergency as well as the fire fighting equipment so that accidents are prevented.

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Biology Lab

Rajendra’s Academy, has an intricately designed biology laboratory planned to meet the demands of the advancement in science and technology. The marble work tops are heat resistance and storage cabinets are easily accessible. The laboratory apparatus ranges from simple slides test tube, petridishes to the composite microscopes of varying powers to observe samples and organisms closely. They are high powered, extremely expensive and sensitive pieces of equipments that can make even the smallest part of a single cell seem clear.

All the microscopes with digital eye pieces and built in cameras are a great way to preview live colour digital images directly from microscope to the computer via USB port. Besides the aforesaid the laboratory also has charts, models and specimens meant for demonstrations. The interactive board connected to a computer system and projector makes the biology lessons more effective and interesting.

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Computer Labs

Computers help the students to learn about the world and know what is happening in it. It helps them to aim for excellent jobs in the future and succeed in it. The computer has become a standard of education throughout the world.

The school has 2 well equipped computer lab with advanced infrastructure in terms of hardware and software to cater to the requirements for the students and teachers and carefully monitored internet connectivity provide our children the opportunity for research in addition to preparing them for the IT driven world. Students have one mandatory period for the lab.

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"Mathematics is the backbone of all subjects"

The Mathematics laboratory is a place where students can experiment and explore patterns and ideas. It is a place where students can find a collection of projects, puzzles and other teaching and learning material. The materials are meant to be used both by the students on their own and with their teachers to explore the world of Mathematics, to discover, to learn and to develop an interest in Mathematics.

The Maths lab provides an opportunity for the students to discover Mathematics through doing. Many of the activities present a problem or a challenge, with the possibility of generating to visualize, manipulate and reason. They provide opportunity to make conjectures and test them to generalize observed patterns. They crack a context for students to attempt to prove their conjectures. Mathematics lab is a place to enjoy Maths through informal exploration. It is a place where anyone can generate problems and struggle to get answers.

So based on the above points our school provided a mathematics lab to students where they are Learning by Doing. The activities can be done individually by students, with guidance from a teacher or can be used for demonstration with a small group of students.

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