The aims of 'Rajendra's Academy' curriculum are :
To help students develop free thinking and do original work,
To bring about a holistic development in a students' personality, in terms of education, intellect, emotions, sensitivity, integrity and social behaviour,
To develop broad-mindedness, discipline and ability to reflect,
To develop lifelong friendships, team spirit, importance of hard and honest work.
'Rajendra's Academy' is a Co-Educational, English Medium Senior Secondary Level Day School affiliated to the 'Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi ', offering both Science and Commerce Stream.
To achieve proficiency in spoken English, students must speak only in English in the school premises. Students who are found using any other language or dialect are liable to be fined.
Every student is required to take part in all the extra-curricular activities. No exemption is given to any student in the normal course.
Students are required to pass in all subjects and attain a satisfactory standard in the other prescribed subjects in the examinations. The evaluation of the work of the students is on the basis of both the result of examinations and of the work done during the year. Promotions are done on the basis of the cumulative achievement level of the students. A 40% score entitles a student for promotion. 'Rajendra's Academy' follows the “System of Continuous Assessment” , which is in tune with the National Policy of Education.
Private Tuition
'Rajendra's Academy' does not undertake to provide private tuition to any student and also disapproves of the practice of teachers undertaking private tuitions.