Bhikanpur, Kanth Road,

   Moradabad-244501 (U.P)
+91 84399 48552

    +91 9411810174
Affiliation No: 2131246

School Code: 81278

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Quality education is very important in today's world. As the world is moving fast with growing competition, one needs to keep up. Hence, the smart class is a technological boon for the education system. It provides opportunities for the students to help in understanding the concept better and achieving their academic excellence. The education sector has seen a drastic increase in recent years.

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Therefore, E-learning is accorded top priority. This helps students schooling with us to be better equipped to meet the challenges of modem day living. Smart Boards have been installed in classes so that teachers can supplement the classroom teaching with audio visual display systems which help children learn much faster. Such learning through audio visual aids is better absorbed, since abstract concepts are given particular shapes & colours.

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